Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Kicking from Inside my Tummy

Ga kerasa kehamilan sudah memasuki usia 19 minggu. My tummy grows bigger and bigger in each day. How cute i am, i see. LoL. In this week i feel my baby's kicking for the first time. It is so amazing. I can feel the kicking from inside my tummy although in rare frequency. It often kicks me in the evening. When i wanna sleep in the night, it often responses me as if it doesnt wanna sleep so early whereas i often go to bed in the midnight. Haha. I am so happy with this pregnancy. Keep healthy as always, son. Mommy loves you.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Harapan Mencintai Sastra

Beberapa hari yang lalu saya pernah bermimpi ketemu anak saya. Rasanya menyenangkan sekali ketemu anak sendiri meskipun hanya dalam mimpi. Dalam mimpi itu tahu-tahu anak saya sudah belajar berjalan. Umurnya kira-kira satu tahunan lah. Gak jelas sih apakah anak saya cewek apa cowok dalam mimpi itu. Tidak ada yang kelihatan dari wujudnya. Hanya sepasang kaki gembul yang belajar jalan satu-satu. Lucu sekali. Gegara mimpi itu saya jadi gak sabar ketemu anak saya. Nanti kalau dia sudah lahir ke dunia, saya bertekad saya yang akan mengajarinya membaca Al-Qur'an. Surah Al-Fatihah harus ia dapatkan pertama kali dari saya. Sebab itulah ummul Qur'an. Surah yang terus-terusan dibaca sepanjang hari di waktu sholat. Itulah sebab saya ingin mendapatkan berkah mengajarkannya. Saya juga gak sabar ngajarin ia membaca buku-buku warisan saya. Sekarang ini saya sudah menyiapkan bekal bacaan kelak untuk anak saya. Bahkan saya sudah siapkan sebelum ia lahir. Nantinya anak saya harus peka dengan aksara. Mencintai sastra melebihi kecintaan saya. Semoga ya nak. Bismillah.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Unpleasant of Pregnancy

Being a pregnant women is never be easy. Moreover in the first of 3 semester of pregnancy. Almost jump into 3 months of pregnancy, the feeling is still awesome. Almost every morning get morning sick, and sometimes in the midnight the queasy still hold me so strong. Moreover the feeling of tasteless. Those feeling jump me into the superb wow.

In the beginning of pregnancy, i think the complicated of pregnancy was over in the first 3 months. But i am wrong, then. I heard some people still feel queasy in the variant months of pregnancy. One of my family remain getting queasy in her 23 week of pregnancy. It means that it almost in 6 month of pregnancy. Some day ago i watched a film which is there is a pregnant women still getting her queasy in her 7 month of pregnancy. By those i am never growing up my mind that the hardness of pregnancy only occurs in the beginning of 3 month pregnancy. So that i become realistic now. I try to enjoy my pregnancy step by step of it, eventhough it is so hard.

There are so many unpleasant i face in my pregnancy. Besides all of above, i also begin to get bored in consuming the medicines. I've two kinds of medicines that doctor gived to me, but i only consume one only. I dont like consume medicine. If it were is not acid, maybe i never consume that. Just because i consider my baby need acid so that i consume that. Eventhough it is so uncomfortable for me. But the question is till when i have to consume those kinds of medicine?? Since i am getting my pregnancy, i am bothered with the sharp smell. And by consuming medicine i feel that i hate of the smell of my pee. It's so wow. I hate the colour of my pees also because of consuming medicine. It becomes so dark yellow however i drank so much water. And it's so bothering me. And it affects to my queasy. It grows so well then. And i will get more discomfort. Please God, give me strength to face these.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Night Pain

Belum lagi selesai fase morning sick, kini harus memasuki babak baru fase berikutnya. Entah kenapa sudah beberapa malam berlakangan ini perut mulai merasa nyeri; i call it night pain; berasa sedikit agak panas. Gegara salah makan maybe? Maybe you guess that. But, i don't think so. Sejak mengetahui awal kehamilan dan atas petunjuk dokter untuk menghindari makanan pedas, yes i obey him. Saya mengikuti petunjuk beliau jadilah makanan saya tak tersentuh sambel dan cabe2an sama sekali. How's that feeling? Amazing. Haha. It tasteless at all. How could i? That's the power of love of baby. The power of pregnancy. I begin love it, anyway. Sebagai penawar saya mengusap-usap perut saya sambil mencari-cari baby's position sembari mengucap mantra "be nice with mom, baby". Sayangnya fase ini berlangsung cukup lama. Berjam-jam. But while i am massaging my tummy, it feels nicer, and get pain again when i stop it. Maybe the baby needs it.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Rekor Baru Prosesi Kehamilan

Pagi ini adalah rekor terbaik prosesi muntah sejauh ini. Dalam satu kali ke kamar mandi saya sudah muntah 5-7 kali. Rasanya wow sekali. Semoga hari ini dicukupkan dengan prosesi tadi. Semoga tak ada prosesi muntah2 lagi di hari ini. Meskipun dini hari. Makasih nak sudah memberi mami kejutan. Apakah ini pertanda mami harus minum obat mual yang kemarin-kemarin mami abaikan?

Kontrol Kedua

Hari ini mami baru saja kontrol untuk kali kedua. Untuk memastikan bahwa kamu baik2 saja di dalam sana. Hasilnya Alhamdulillah cukup bagus. Tensi mami normal di angka 110. Entah kenapa dengan tensi senormal itu mami tetap ngerasa geliyengan. Meskipun bobot mami turun menjadi 39 kg. Mami bahkan ga pernah kebayang bisa punya bobot dibawah 40 kg. Huft. But it is okay. Kata dokter ini hanya sementara. Akan tiba saatnya bobot mami beranjak naik seiring pertumbuhan kamu yg semakin bertumbuh disana.

Check-up kali ini mami diberitahu bahwa kamu sudah semakin terlihat. Kata dokter kepala kamu sudah terlihat di USG. Tapi buat mami dari hasil USG tsb mami kurang dapat menerjemahkan hasil gambar 2D tsb. Dan hal baik lainnya mami tadi bisa mendengar detak jantungmu. Beserta grafiknya dari layar monitor USG. How wonderful, baby. Mami loves you more and more. Doctor said we need to see you again in 3 weeks. Sebagai bekal berkunjung ke dokter mami diberi oleh2 berupa obat2an lagi. Masih sama seperti obat yg diberikan bulan lalu. Obatnya masih varian vitamin dan obat mual/muntah. Meskipun mami gak bilang ke dokter obat mual yg bulan lalu gak pernah mami minum kecuali 1 butir. Itupun karena mual yg berlangsung sehari semalam. Mami gak kuat. Akhirnya mami pilih menelan pil itu. Hal yg sama mungkin mami terapkan ke obat mual/muntah bulan ini. Selama mual/muntah itu normal dalam proses kehamilan, mami rasanya enggan memberimu obat terlalu banyak. Meskipun sudah melalui resep dokter. Mami gapapa jika harus mual/muntah setiap hari asalkan tumbuh kembangmu baik disana. Mami hanya akan minum vitamin buat kamu. Meskipun vitamin kali ini dosisnya dinaikkan. Warna dan bentuk obatnya besar dan mengerikan buat di telan. Mami jadi teringat obatnya persis spt program obat cacing ketika jaman SD dulu. Waktu masih anak2 minum obat segede itu mami belum bisa. Dan sekarang mami diberikan obat yg besar dan harus diminum setiap hari. Bismillah, semoga mami kuat nak.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

A Note about Dellusional

Dellusional. I knew the word of dellusional from a book. Oh God, there are so many words i knew the meaning about only though the books. That's the power of book. The store of knowledge. That is why we must read. Since in the first word of God is a command to read. Read in the name of God who created you (Q.S: Al-Alaq: 1-5). Today i learn something more about dellusional through a film named A Beautiful Mind. What a film. This film is so good to watch. Highly recommended for those who have a beautiful mind too. Those who love knowledge. Before this i knew dellusional word from a book written by my favorie author named Sidney Sheldon and also by a book of  Mira W. Dellusional is dangerous. It is a mind illness. It controls mind to make some react to it. Those who suffer this cannot distinguish between the real world and illusion of minds. The problem is those suffer this can do anything dangerous to themselves or to other people. That's why they need a favor. Highly serious favor. They often called a crazy to normal people. But for them, the normal ones are abnormal. See? It stands on perspective. So it is not wise to call them crazy, right?

They who suffer dellusional illness need serious handling. They need a special doctor and also special one who accept their condition. In this case are family and friends. People in their surrounding have to have a bigger and bigger hearts to handle them. Act them as if they are normal. Do something a real activity is an optional. Build some trust to them. Make sure we are welcome to them, and be ready in their side no matter what happen. There is a  big war between their minds and their realities. Imagine that. What a terrified for them. So we need our heart for handling them. Minds war in their mind and a bunch of treatment from psikiater are a hell for them. They don't know who really they are. But there is a chance of healing. By a serious and right handling they can feel better and even they can recover. In fact, a miracle can heal them. At least i can take this as a moral lesson from a movie i just watched. Even he can reach his goal in reality by getting a Prize Nobel. A highly prestigious reward in this universe. What a magic. Oke, another moral lesson is we need believe in miracle, magic. Because miracle happens for those who believe in. That is my summary about dellusional. I write this to prevent my queasy sympthoms. I hope it works. :)